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It will be crucial in our future to know what and how Nanotechnology works.

Nanodots Breakthrough May Lead To 'A Library On One Chip'

(NanoRealm) - A researcher at North Carolina State University has developed a computer chip that can store an unprecedented amount of data - enough to hold an entire library's worth of information on a single chip. The new chip stems from a breakthrough in the use of nanodots, or nanoscale magnets, and represents a significant advance in computer-memory technology.

"We have created magnetic nanodots that store one bit of information on each nanodot, allowing us to store over one billion pages of information in a chip that is one square inch," says Dr. Jay Narayan, the John C. Fan Distinguished Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at NC State and author of the research.
The breakthrough is that these nanodots are made of single, defect-free crystals, creating magnetic sensors that are integrated directly into a silicon electronic chip. These nanodots, which can be made uniformly as small as six nanometers in diameter, are all precisely oriented in the same way - allowing programmers to reliably read and write data to the chips.

The chips themselves can be manufactured cost-effectively, but the next step is to develop magnetic packaging that will enable users to take advantage of the chips - using something, such as laser technology, that can effectively interact with the nanodots.

The research, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, was presented as an invited talk April 7 at the 2011 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco.

More information: “Self Assembly of epitaxial magnetic nanostructures”, Author: J. Narayan, North Carolina State University, Presented: April 7, 2010, 2011 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco.


Nano technology ‘helped govt save RM3.44bil’

(NanoRealm) - THE use of nano technology has helped the Government save RM3.44bil worth of subsidised diesel fuel from being smuggled out of the country between 2006 to 2008.

Nano technology ‘helped govt save RM3.44bil’

Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the Nanotag technology or “mark” to identify subsidised fuel had helped enforcement officers track or identify subsidised diesel and to take legal action against the culprits.

“The Nanotag technology has enabled our officers to check the distribution of subsidised diesel from 36 diesel fuel depots throughout the country, including 15 depots in Sabah and Sarawak,” he said.

“Since the programme was introduced in 2006, a total of 594 legal cases were filed and 6.86mil litres of diesel seized from those who had abused the diesel fuel subsidy programme,” Ismail said in winding up the debate in his ministry at the committee stage.

It was reported that the Gover nment had suffered losses in terms of subsidies, ranging from RM1bil in 2003 to RM3bil in 2006 before the Nanotag technology was introduced.

On the contract of Teras Kimia Sdn Bhd, which was tasked to carry out the tagging of diesel supplies at fuel depots, Ismail said he was informed that the company’s services would end this year.

“The company had asked for an extension and we are still discussing this with the Finance Ministry,” he added.

Ismail also said the Government had to raise the subsidy payment for sugar due to the increase in global sugar prices. “The Government also wants to reduce the sugar subsidy payments of about RM1bil annually.

“The idea of imposing a uniform price for sugar among Asean countries will help reduce smuggling, but it means that we have to increase the sugar price in Malaysia as it is lower than in other Asean countries.”
